Daniel Schoepe
Email: daniel <at> schoepe <dot> org
PGP key ID: D74332EE6A596373
I'm an Applied Scientist working in the Amazon Prime Video Automated Reasoning team. My work is focused on proving properties of TypeScript programs using an in-house abstract interpretation framework written in Scala 3.
Aside from my day job, I'm interested in functional programming and I have worked extensively with both Haskell and Scala. I also enjoy working with interactive theorem provers and formalized some of my academic publications using Isabelle/HOL.
In my free time I used to contribute to xmonad and some other small projects.
In a previous life I was a PhD student at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, working on language-based security and information-flow control.
- VERONICA: Expressive and Precise Concurrent Information Flow Security
Daniel Schoepe, Toby Murray, Andrei Sabelfeld
IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)
Boston, USA, 2020
[pdf] [isabelle]
- Information-Flow Control for Database-Backed Applications
Marco Guarnieri, Musard Balliu, Daniel Schoepe, David A. Basin, Andrei Sabelfeld
IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroSP)
Stockholm, Sweden, 2019
[pdf] - An Empirical Study of Information Flows in Real-World JavaScript
Cristian-Alexandru Staicu, Daniel Schoepe, Musard Balliu, Michael Pradel, Andrei Sabelfeld
Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security
London, United Kingdom, 2019
- We are Family: Relating Information-Flow Trackers
Musard Balliu, Daniel Schoepe, Andrei Sabelfeld
European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS)
Oslo, Norway, 2017
- Explicit Secrecy: A Policy for Taint Tracking
Daniel Schoepe, Musard Balliu, Benjamin C. Pierce, Andrei Sabelfeld
IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroSP)
Saarbrücken, Germany, 2016
[pdf] [supplementary material] - JSLINQ: Building Secure Applications across Tiers
Musard Balliu, Benjamin Liebe, Daniel Schoepe, Andrei Sabelfeld
ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY)
New Orleans, USA, 2016
- Understanding and Enforcing Opacity
Daniel Schoepe, Andrei Sabelfeld
IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)
Verona, Italy, 2015
[pdf] [supplementary material] - Efficient computation and statistical assessment of transfer entropy
Patrick Boba, Dominik Bollmann, Daniel Schoepe, Nora Wester, Jan Wiesel, and Kay Hamacher
Frontiers in Physics, 2015
- SeLINQ: Tracking Information Across Application-Database Boundaries
Daniel Schoepe, Daniel Hedin, Andrei Sabelfeld
ACM International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP)
Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014
[pdf] - A Formalization of Assumptions and Guarantees for Compositional Noninterference
Sylvia Grewe, Heiko Mantel, Daniel Schoepe
Archive of Formal Proofs (AFP), 2014